"sync-rule-inbound-flow-rules-inva lid" error on synchronizing an Inbound Sync Rule from the FIM connector space to the Metaverse

I have created an inbound sync rule in the FIM portal to import groups from an external system (SQL Server) into the metaverse.  I can import the rule from the FIM MA into the FIM connector space but when I run a full sync on the FIM MA I get the error "sync-rule-inbound-flow-rules-invalid".  The only way I have found around the error is to remove all the attributes from Inbound Attribute Flow in the sync rule.  However, this defeats the purpose of having the sync rule in the first place.  Searching the Web, I have come across posts from other people with "sync-rule-inbound-flow-rules-invalid" problems but the solutions do not seem to work in my situation. 

A little background about the sync rule

Metaverse Resource Type: group

External System Resource type: group

Relationship Criteria: accountName (metaverse) = "string field" (ConnectedSystemObject)

Create resource in FIM: yes

Inbound attribute flow:

- Domain

- Member

- DisplayName

- accountName

- MembershipLocked

- MembershipAddWorkFlow

- Type

- Scope


I am new to FIM so it's possible I have overlooked something in the setup of this sync rule.  Any suggestions on possible causes of this issue would greatly appreciated.




April 29th, 2011 3:52am

Did u use functions in attribute flow? Can u give more details on the inbound attribute flows and Scoping f

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April 29th, 2011 8:46am

There is no scope filter.   In regards to the attribute flows, no functions are used.  Here is further information about the attribute flows


Set up of Inbound attribute flow for the inbound Synchronization Rule.

Metaverse External System (SQL Server View)

- Domain  Domain (string)

- Member Member (multi value attribute)

- DisplayName ObjectDescription (string)

- accountName ObjectID (string)

- MembershipLocked 'false' (set up as a string literal)

- MembershipAddWorkFlow 'Owner Approval' (set up as a string literal)

- Type 'Security' (set up as a string literal)

- Scope 'Universal' (set up as a string literal)


Is this the info you were asking for?  If not, please clarify what details you are looking for in regards to the  sync rule.

April 30th, 2011 2:32am

So if you just include any one flow rule from the above list, you get the error? I would verify if you are getting error with complete list or any flow rule causes this.


Glenn Zuckerman, Microsoft Identity Technologies

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May 1st, 2011 5:45pm

I deleted all the MAs and recreated them.  The FIMMA export now works.  I believe the issue was related to metaverse schema objects I had created (ADUser and ADGroup), which I used initially then later abandoned.  Deleting the MAs, deleting the metaverse schema additions and then recreating the MAs seemed to fix the original issue.
May 2nd, 2011 11:56pm

This happened to me at the end of the day, so I decided to troubleshoot it the next day.  Next morning, I came back and tried the sync again and it worked.  Maybe FIM was just exhausted from a long day.  :)
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July 16th, 2013 11:03pm

Ran into this yesterday after deleting the connector space for the FIM MA and found this thread.  I was able to resolve it by making a change to the sync rule direction.  Unfortunately I can't reproduce the issue to investigate further.  FIM was probably just tired 

January 26th, 2014 3:15pm

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